Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Avon Calling"... A (Re-) Introduction

Hi Ladies/Readers! On Nov. 18, 2013, I decided to become an Independent Avon Representative again. I have sold Avon before, in High School and college (was also Mom's little helper in the 90's) and it is a helpful way to earn extra spending money and you get great product discounts and get to meet/speak with lots of friendly people in your daily face-to-face networking.

As a company, Avon has been around for over 125 years, is "the world's #1 direct-selling company", has millions of loyal customers in over 100 countries, over 6.4 million Representatives and a 100% satisfaction guarantee on their products. The Avon Foundation, formed in 1955, has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for breast cancer research, domestic violence awareness and disaster relief.

Over the years, Avon has continued to offer many quality beauty & personal care products at reasonable prices and has become known as "the company for women" by founding their business on the belief that "when women are truly self-empowered, they have the ability to achieve all of their goals and dreams and even exceed their expectations".

Since this is my introduction post, I wanted to give some insight and background on Avon, as a company. When you believe in your company & their products, your business will flourish. Quality products and fair prices is how Avon keeps its customers over the years. Low start-up cost and ease of promoting/continuing your business is how Avon keeps its representatives. Avon is fair to its customers and representatives and that's how the company still exists even stronger today (now with lots more products and easier ways to buy).

If you are in Navarro County or Corsicana, Texas and looking for an Avon Lady, please let me know. I would love to help you or I can help find a Avon Representative that is closer to you.

One new tool that Avon offers is eStores to let customers shop 24/7 from anywhere in the world (each Representative has the option to setup their own store). If you'd like to take a look, here is my Avon eStore (you can view all the current catalogs, read product details & reviews, learn more about the company and its earning opportunities as a Representative or for fundraising): Avon Rep Jen eStore

If you'd like to place an order online, use code SNOWY for free shipping with $10 purchase (contact me if a new coupon/free shipping code is needed). My phone number is listed under the "About Avon & Me" tab.

I'm also on Facebook if you wish to chat there. My Avon page is: Avon Rep Jen FB page
("Like" for order updates & monthly contests)

My quick weekend contest is here: Quick January Contest
(Log In to Share & Like my page to enter; winners will be announced 1/14/2014)

Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon with some neat Avon product recommendations or Avon gift ideas :)

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